What’s the Deal with Generative AI

At the beginning of the year, Gartner predicted generative AI would revolutionize digital product development in 2022 and generative AI would account for 10% of all data by 2025.

Dec 6, 2022


At the beginning of the year, Gartner predicted generative AI would revolutionize digital product development in 2022 and generative AI would account for 10% of all data by 2025. When Gartner makes a claim like this, we pay attention. Since then the tool has been making waves for its ability to create exciting, never-before-seen content.

But what exactly is generative AI and why should your communications team pay attention to it? In this blog, we’ll be talking about what generative AI is and how you can use it to boost your organization’s content capabilities.

What is Generative AI and why is it everywhere?

Gartner defines generative AI as machine learning methods that learn about content or objects from their data, and use it to generate brand-new, completely original, realistic artifacts. It’s able to extract underlying patterns related to the data to output new data. Generative AI outputs are always similar to the original data but never repeat. In short, it’s a great tool to use to extract new ideas from existing data. It creates a situation where humans just have to upload the prompt for the generative AI model to create new data.

Use cases for generative AI extend beyond the realm of software creation. It can turn images into words and vice versa. Generative AI is best known for the text-to-image predictions that went viral over social media using the DALL-E mini.

With all of its different creative abilities, Sequoia Capital described generative AI as possible competition to humans’ creativity. They even predict that it will be able to design and code better than humans by 2023.

Generative AI can be used to your communications team’s advantage.

Corporate communications teams are tasked with creating a consistent stream of engaging content personalized to their organization’s needs. Those familiar with the role of corporate communications teams know that their days are filled, and content can often fall to the wayside in the midst of other pressing priorities. This is where generative AI can come in and take the pressure off of comms teams. Generative AI can be used to ensure your internal content is standing out amongst employees by creating:

  • ● Simplified formatting Every piece of content has its own requirements - imagery, file size, and formatting. Each of these specifications requires time and manpower, but generative AI can format your content efficiently across channels. This can be used for experimenting with larger landing pages for white papers or product offerings, allowing communications teams to only worry about how it looks without the effort of going through the mock-up process again and again.
  • ● Unique and varied content: Everyone has sat through brainstorms where it feels like every idea has been exhausted. Phrases, images, social media posts, or existing blogs can be uploaded to create endless possibilities when communications teams are short on ideas. Generative AI can even analyze past content that’s received high levels of engagement and create new ideas based on it.
  • ● Personalized intranet content: It’s challenging for corporate communications teams to reach every member of an organization, especially for large corporations. Creating customized content for each department takes time that communications teams don’t usually have. Generative AI can create content tailored to the needs and preferences of each team to secure engagement from all departments.

Now that you know how you can use generative AI for your content needs, try DoZen’s Generative AI Virtual Holiday Background Maker to create your own quirky holiday image.