The Digital Workplace - Employee Centricity

The aftermath of 2020 has made businesses evaluate their business practices and restructure the way they do business in many cases.

May 13, 2021

The aftermath of 2020 has made businesses evaluate their business practices and restructure the way they do business in many cases. We have seen many companies shift to a work-from-anywhere mentality that has shown the future of the workplace is digital.

In order for businesses to remain sustainable in this new environment, they must rethink the connected digital workplace and make digital transformations that will create a stable and efficient environment for their company and their employees. Working with human resources is key to create a company atmosphere that still promotes human connections in a digital workplace.

  1. Employee Centricity

    Placing your employee at the center of your business is essential moving forward into a digital workplace. You can enhance work done remotely by connecting employees together with interactions and data.

    Because the transition to a remote, digital workplace happened so quickly, there are still more transformations that need to happen. The next stage is to make an intelligent digital workplace where the data of employees is collected on a data platform in order to personalize preferences, apps, and self-service tools in one location. This opens the door for intelligence from AI and machine learning to come into play.

    Organizations were originally focused on updating technology to be more modern and automating manual processes, but now that technology-driven focus needs to be taken from IT and the business and centered around employee collaboration and data connections. This helps everyone have a share in the tools available. It also allows more access to subject matter experts and other team members so they can get their work done efficiently.

  2. The Future of the Workplace

    The future of the workplace is a hybrid, dynamic workforce. Employees become digital and mobile, and they need a workspace that is intelligent and designed around their needs. They need a digital workplace that will support the work they are doing.

    Employees need technology, not just for them to send information, but also for them to access tools and information that is personalized to their needs and available when they need it. The digital workplace also needs to create a sense of culture for the company and support for employees during crucial times like onboarding, transitioning to a new manager, or even a new parent. These major milestones are taking place remotely, so that environment needs to be set up to support that. Employees need to be supported and engaged through their entire lifecycle at the company.

  3. Employee Experience

    Managing the employee experience is a necessary part of any business that is swiftly becoming a mandated core competency. The effort is led by the Chief People Officer with help from the CIO and from finance. In order to achieve employee engagement, the work must be collaborative. Addressing problems depends on a Digital Employee Experience (DEX) program. The organization will have a competitive advantage when they are digitally transformed.

    IT organizations are seeing employee experience (EX) become a key strategic differentiator for their industry. It is becoming so important because it was difficult to access content and applications used by the business in a remote work environment. In order to fill the gap, communication with empathy and emotional connections needed to start taking place. The top priority shifted to communication and collaboration between colleagues, partners, and customers. The workplace was more conversational across many digital platforms.

    Focusing on these positive employee and customer experiences will influence and improve the financial bottom-line. These communication strategies are crucial for attracting high-end technical talent across a global marketplace.

  4. Employee Benefits of an Intelligent Digital Workspace

    There are many benefits to your employees when you incorporate an intelligent digital workspace into your business structure. One of the primary advantages is cutting back on context switching and maintaining a consistent experience.

    Productivity is also increased through access and delivery methods of data, applications, and collaborators that are incorporated into the flow of work. The routine tasks can be automated and incorporated through automation software, digital assistants, and other digital tools to increase efficiency even more.

    Teams can work together more dynamically through conferencing tools so all employees have the same experience. Advanced work scenarios can take place in a cohesive manner with the use of these digital tools.

  5. Business Benefits of an Intelligent Digital Workspace

    Increasing the employee experience will lead to being able to attract and retain quality employees. Having the best employees and employees that are happy is going to add to your workplace and enhance your bottom line and productivity.

    When your employees are able to perform their job well, they are able to help your customers quickly and resolve issues. Happy employees lead to happy customers which leads to a growing and stable business. When employees have the tools they need to do their job, it also cuts down on the busy work you have to manage to get them the right information. You can then focus your attention on other aspects of your business.

  6. Key Insights and Trends

    Over the next two years, 55% of workplace transformation programs are going to place an emphasis on technology investments to ensure that their business structure can survive the changing business world. About 44% of companies are going to try to implement an intelligent digital workspace that can span time zones and devices.

    The IDC found that 95% of companies use up to six different kinds of data that come from or are going to ten different data sources. About ⅓ of employees say they have a hard time navigating and working across too many applications and it leads to an inefficient use and access pattern of data.

    Out of businesses, 37% place the employee experience as the top driver of growth and innovation in their business. While 73% of employees are using 6-10 digital tools to communicate in the workplace, 74% of IT leaders say that it creates too much confusion and digital noise. This divide shows that 96% of IT teams lack awareness of the digital needs of their employees. Desk workers have more digital resources as 72% of essential workers do not have access to the same tools.

  7. Moving Forward

    If businesses want to keep progressing with sustainable growth in the future, the way they approach the digital workplace needs to change. Shifting to an employee centered digital workspace that supports their work needs and creates a sense of community will help attract and retain good employees and increase your profit margins.

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